Google Form Hours Submission Form
Click the button above to complete the form. This form is to be completed after you complete a volunteering event. Outside hours are hours received not through Lambert Key club or its partners. You will need to have the organization that you are volunteering for, a Lambert Key Club officer, or Lambert Key Club advisor sign a Lambert Key Club outside hours form (found on the Itslearning).
Mostly at our events, we will have check-in sheets or Lambert Key club officers, with whom you can confirm you are present. if you see any mistakes with your service hours (ex: wrong number of hours), please DM an officer ASAP!
Service Hours Tracker:
This is the master list to track your Key club hours. You need to have 10 hours per semester. You can have 3 outside hours per semester, keep in mind all outside hours are cut in half (ex: if you get 6 outside hours, it will count for 3 inside hours).